China's First Tidal Energy Plant Successfully Operates for Over 5 Years

A tidal energy plant in China has successfully operated for over 5 years, marking a major milestone for the development of this renewable energy source.

China's First Tidal Energy Plant Successfully Operates for Over 5 Years

A tidal energy plant in China has successfully operated for over 5 years, marking a major milestone for the development of this renewable energy source. The plant, located near Xiushan Island in Zhejiang Province, was developed by Chinese company LHD New Energy Corporation. It has a capacity of 1.7 megawatts and is the first tidal energy plant in China to operate for more than 5 years.

The successful operation of the plant is a significant achievement for the tidal energy industry. It demonstrates that tidal energy can be a reliable and cost-effective source of electricity. The plant has also generated over 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is enough to power over 30,000 homes.

The success of the plant is a major boost for the development of tidal energy in China. The government has set a target of installing 10 gigawatts of tidal energy capacity by 2030. The successful operation of the LHD plant shows that China is on track to meet this target.

Tidal energy is a clean and renewable energy source that has the potential to play a major role in meeting the world’s energy needs. The successful operation of the LHD plant is a major step forward for the tidal energy industry and shows that this technology is ready for commercialization.

Why China investing on tidal energy?

China has a long coastline and a large tidal range, making it an ideal location for tidal energy development. The Chinese government has set a target of generating 10 gigawatts of tidal power by 2030. This would make China a major player in the global tidal energy market.

China is investing in tidal energy for a number of reasons, this include:

To reduce its reliance on fossil fuels

China is the world’s largest consumer of coal and oil, and its reliance on these fossil fuels is a major source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Tidal energy is a clean and renewable source of energy that can help China reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

To improve its energy security

China is a major importer of oil and gas, and its reliance on these imports makes it vulnerable to price fluctuations and supply disruptions. Tidal energy is a domestic source of energy that can help China improve its energy security.

Tidal energy research in China

China has been conducting research on tidal energy for many years. This research is being conducted by a number of universities and research institutes. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has a number of research programs on tidal energy, including the development of new tidal energy turbines and the assessment of tidal energy resources.

The National Energy Administration is also involved in tidal energy research, and is responsible for developing policies and regulations for the development of the tidal energy industry.

China has made significant progress in tidal energy research in recent years. In 2016, the country installed its first commercial tidal energy turbine in the Zhoushan Islands. The turbine, which has a capacity of 500 kilowatts, is generating electricity for the local grid. China is also planning to install a number of other tidal energy turbines in the coming years.

Some of the key achievements of China’s tidal energy research include: new tidal energy turbines, including the world’s largest tidal stream turbine, which has a capacity of 1.03 megawatts; a number of studies on the tidal energy resources in its waters; and development of policies and regulations for the development of the tidal energy industry.


In addition to the reasons mentioned above, China is also investing in tidal energy because it is a predictable source of energy. The tides are reliable and do not fluctuate as much as other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. This makes tidal energy a good choice for baseload power generation, which is the electricity that is needed to meet the minimum demand all the time.

China is not the only country that is investing in tidal energy. Other countries that are developing tidal energy projects include the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Norway. The global tidal energy market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

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