The project is part of PepsiCo Positive (pep+) sustainability initiative, which includes caring for both people and the environment and conserving water.

PepsiCo Pakistan and WWF-Pakistan successfully completed an inclusive Water Replenishment Project in Hattar, District Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Four groundwater recharge wells were built with the University of Haripur and University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila.

The project’s 8,400 m3 of total rechargeable volume drives PepsiCo Pakistan’s mission to empower communities through replenishment and sustainable water resource use.

The project is part of PepsiCo Positive (pep+) sustainability initiative, which includes caring for both people and the environment and conserving water.

This knowledge exchange initiative aims to empower students at the University of Haripur and UET Taxila to develop sustainable water use solutions for their community. Together with professionals from WWF-Pakistan, the students actively participated in the project’s implementation phase. This has united the community as a whole by providing access to clean, safe water.

Yaser Ghani, VP of Operations for PepsiCo Global Concentrate Solutions (PGCS), Professor Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Khan Babar, Vice Chancellor of UET Taxila, and Professor Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Khan Babar, Head of UET Taxila’s Department of Environmental Engineering, gathered with the faculty, PGCS Hattar management, the WWF team, and the students to commemorate this accomplishment.

“This project represents a significant milestone towards PepsiCo’s Net Water Positive Vision, which seeks to replenish more water than we consume by 2030,” said Yaser Ghani in his remarks at the event.

“But this endeavour represents more than just a benchmark. It is proof of our dedication to sustainability, and we could not have done it without the help of our partners and stakeholders, who are working together for real change and the betterment of the community. We also hope that by completing this project, others will be motivated to act to create a more sustainable world.”

Yaser Ghani inspired college students to start creative initiatives to promote water conservation and sustainability, inspiring them to take action.

The Hattar operations site produces the concentrate for PepsiCo’s products, and the company is dedicated to improving the surrounding communities.

To reduce its water footprint, conserve resources, and have a positive impact on the communities it works with and in, PepsiCo is committed to continuing its efforts in these areas.

The goal of this Water Replenishment Project is to improve everyone’s future, not just to conserve water, and is enthusiastic about the potential and effects it will have on the neighbourhood.