Pakistan has an index score of 34.03 and is ranked 117th out of 172 nations in the State of AI Report’s assessment of AI readiness.

The “National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy,” created by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, aims to embrace AI by valuing human intelligence and fostering a hybrid intelligence ecosystem for fair, responsible, and open use of AI.

Pakistan has an index score of 34.03 and is ranked 117th out of 172 nations in the State of AI Report’s assessment of AI readiness. It will receive a full ecosystem for AI to address all aspects of awareness, skill development, standardisation, and ethical use.

The National AI Policy is designed with an emphasis on the fair distribution of opportunity and its responsible use. Its distinguishing characteristics include being evidence-based and target-oriented, user-centric and futuristic, objective and all-encompassing.

The AI policy also aims to advance AI and related technologies through a balanced mix of supply-side and demand-side actions, encouraging the creation of AI research and innovation hubs for the creation, testing, deployment, and scaling of AI solutions.

AI is being used to create economic gains and enhance lives. It will improve the government’s ability to provide personalised and anticipatory services. Pakistan will improve its citizens’ knowledge of AI technologies and equip them with the skills needed to participate in the AI economy. National IT boards will facilitate transformation of sectors and industries towards effective use of AI through creating awareness and offering training programs.

The draft policy noted that the biggest challenges to the successful implementation of IoT Cloud-based services are the availability of data in digital form and the standardisation of the data.

To be used for predictive analytics, machine learning/deep learning, and other technological applications, enormous amounts of data must be digitalized and standardised.

The prospects for AI applications are covered in the following points: I. CoE-AI will launch cloud-based IoT services at discounted prices. It will facilitate learning more quickly and support academic endeavours. II. IoT-based applications will be promoted by CoE-AI.

The Ministry of Science and Technology is introducing a National AI Policy to upskill human capital in AI and related technologies, guide investment in AI research and development, ensure ethical and responsible use of AI, and provide a framework for addressing the challenges and risks associated with the socio-economic structure of the country. The initiative will call on national and international businesses to offer IoT-based Cloud services on a level playing field.

Pakistan should invest in R&D to develop internal AI capabilities for creating applications using local data. This investment should cover funding for research organisations, data standardisation, support for governmental regulatory and legal actions, upkeep of a central computational infrastructure, data storage facilities, and collaborations with universities and research institutions.

Training programmes should also be included in this investment to develop the required technical expertise. In order to share best practises and knowledge in AI, Pakistan must cooperate with other nations, according to the AI policy.

An AI regulatory directorate that ensures the moral and responsible use of AI was proposed as part of the AI policy. This includes ensuring that AI is used in a transparent and accountable manner and that it is not used to discriminate against specific people or groups.

The AI policy addresses the potential job displacement brought on by the spread of AI on a global scale. In order to equip both new and existing workers with the skills necessary to adapt to changing job requirements, this includes funding training programmes. By encouraging investment in AI research and development, AI can support economic growth.

This investment may result in new businesses and employment opportunities as well as increased effectiveness and productivity.

By enhancing healthcare outcomes, expanding educational opportunities, and addressing issues with food security, AI policy can assist in addressing social and economic challenges.

The equitable distribution of AI’s advantages throughout society can be ensured with the aid of AI policy. The draft policy noted that this entails dealing with issues like bias and discrimination and making sure that the advantages of AI are not concentrated in the hands of a select few.