With a growing community of aquaculture growers cultivating dozens of fish and seaweed species, the United States is well-positioned to increase its aquaculture production.

A new Aquaculture Science Advice Handbook has been released by NOAA to assist in the expansion of marine aquaculture in the US.

In recognition of the fact that aquaculture seems to provide a workable solution to sustaining the industry, it is broadening in the US as a consequence of changing climates. Maine’s seafood harvesting sector is being helped to diversify by a concept imported from Japan.

With a growing community of aquaculture growers cultivating dozens of fish and seaweed species, the United States is well-positioned to increase its aquaculture production.

NOAA has formed a new Aquaculture Science Advice Handbook to address the growing interest in marine aquaculture development in the US.

Even so, there is also a growing need to provide regulators with the relevant and rigorously developed scientific advice to support and inform aquaculture management decisions.

“Marine aquaculture activities focus on providing a per year source of excellent employment and revenue chances in coastal areas that greatly enhance the seasonal tourist industry and commercial fisheries,” claims the NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture.

“Furthermore, enhancing and diversifying Handbook, U.S. seafood production through marine aquaculture is an asset strategy that really can boost and stabilize the country’s seafood supply in the midst of climate change and uncertain economic circumstances. As part of a plan to recover NOAA priority species, aquaculture is also used to restore species and habitat.”

The NOAA Fisheries Office of the Aquaculture strategy presently includes the publication of the Aquaculture Science Advice Handbook, that also offers science advice to assist and inform aquaculture management.

To start serving as a roadmap for creating scientific products, it analyses the aquaculture management policies, resources, and processes. Science advice is credible data that has been developed by researchers and can be used by decision-makers to make decisions that are supported by science.