PITB Initiates 'Partners In Development' Program

Building connections between potential employers, promoters, employment exchange agencies, workers, job seekers, and citizens was the aim of creating the online platform.

PITB Initiates 'Partners In Development' Program

The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) and the Labor & Human Resource Department (L&HRD) collaborated to create the online portal known as Punjab Job Center, which was launched in August 2022 and has since registered more than 50,000 workers.

Building connections between potential employers, promoters, employment exchange agencies, workers, job seekers, and citizens was the aim of creating the online platform.

An extensive database of working human capital (skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled), including both job seekers and employers from the public and private sectors, is included in the online job portal.

“The establishment of Job Center is an important step towards guiding the youth and ensuring their employment, which will benefit not only the industrialists but also the employers,” PITB Chairman Faisal Yousaf said in his remarks.

At jobcenter.punjab.gov.pk, individuals looking for work or offering work in the public or private sectors can register as employees or business owners. A database of the pool of available human resources in the Punjab region is also kept up to date by this job centre.

A bridge between potential employers and employees can be built online with the help of Punjab Job Center, which also registers human capital for the labour and human resource departments. The Punjab Job Center will assist with job placement, educational opportunities, and task-based employment.

Along with the online platform, Punjab has established Job Centers with Kiosk Machines and support staff for registration services in Chamber of Commerce, E-Khidmat Markaz, and Labour & Human Resource offices.

Pakistan’s labour force is expanding, so the government of the Punjab saw the need to establish a department that would be solely in charge of ensuring workers’ prosperity through the implementation of labour laws in Punjab.

Further, it was decided that the department would support worker welfare and defend their rights by upholding government regulations and labour laws. As a result, Punjab’s Labor & Human Resource Department was established in 1974.