Govt Demanding Google To Set Up Compliance Office In Islamabad

These courses will help Pakistani women and recent graduates achieve their career goals by earning certificates that are recognised by employers.

Govt Demanding Google To Set Up Compliance Office In Islamabad

Google announced today that it will provide a total of 44,500 new GCC scholarships by the end of 2023 to more Pakistanis who want to access in-demand digital skills.

Google Career Certificates (GCC) was first introduced in October of last year. Building on its prior commitment to assist in the creation of Future Forward Pakistan, Google has added three new courses to their Career Certificates programme: Business Intelligence, Advanced Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity.

These courses will help Pakistani women and recent graduates achieve their career goals by earning certificates that are recognised by employers. IRM and TechValley are partners in the endeavour.To make the most of Pakistan’s digital workforce, more support is required, according to a new study from the Economist that was also released today and was funded by Google.

To ensure Pakistan remains competitive in both domestic and international markets, the nation needs in-demand digital skills.

The study also shows that:

Digital skills are becoming increasingly important, and employers must provide access to upskilling programs to their existing workforce. Soft skills such as communication and adaptability are pervasive across different sectors and roles, and 47% of employees consider soft skills an important area for upskilling. 71.4% consider adaptability and flexibility a high priority, and 81.5% report communication as a “must-have” skill.

Government could facilitate a conducive ecosystem: Government can support more equal access to skilling by working closely with businesses, organisations, and communities, for instance through incentives and supportive policies.

According to the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, women and young people experience higher unemployment rates than the general population (31% of all unemployed youth are young people, with women making up 51% of this group).

Google contributes to the creation of more equal opportunities for people from all groups and backgrounds to access digital skills and employment opportunities through programmes like Google Career Certificates (GCC) and scholarships.

“Google is committed to helping build an inclusive digital economy in Pakistan through its programmes, products, and services, and to invest in equipping Pakistani talent with the digital skills needed to grow and succeed,” said Farhan Qureshi, Country Director for Pakistan at Google.”

“In Pakistan, which has the third-largest freelance economy in the world, digital skills are in high demand. We want Pakistanis to be able to take advantage of that chance. For jobs with high demand, rapid growth, and good pay, we want to assist people in obtaining the necessary qualifications online.”

“Because of this, in addition to the six courses we launched last year, we’re announcing today the addition of three more, and we’re pledging to give 45,500 Google Career Certificates to women and recent graduates by the end of 2023.”

The Honourable Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, who was present at the announcement event today, further stated, “We fully support Google’s efforts to provide Pakistani talent with digital skills through the Google Career Certificate programme 2.0. ”

“This project is in line with our goal of building an ecosystem that unlocks the potential of the digital economy and gives every Pakistani the same opportunities. We particularly appreciate Google’s emphasis on providing 50% of its scholarships to women.”

Iqra Malik, a freelance data analyst and recent graduate of the GCC’s Data Analytics programme, shared, “This course transformed my life by giving me essential new skills that helped me excel in freelancing, provide for my family financially, and take on various projects for clients. In addition to giving me financial security, it also made me feel content and accomplished.

“Completing the certificate had a significant impact on my life, both personally and professionally,” said Saif Ullah, a graduate in digital marketing from Lahore.

“It assisted me in developing a precise road map for my intended future career. In addition to opening doors to income generation through freelancing, I was able to land a position as a performance marketer at a software company. In order to research freelance opportunities, I also opened accounts on Upwork and Fiverr.”

To develop well-rounded professionals who are prepared for the job market, Google’s partners IRM and TechValley are launching a soft skills programme for GCC graduates in addition to the new scholarships and the three new courses.

The online course covers important subjects like critical thinking, time management, personal branding, and communication skills. The programme, which also includes homework and practical assignments, will be finished in 4 weeks. Google created the curriculum, and IRM and TechValley will deliver it.