“Alhamdulillah, the efforts in Pakistan to treat liver and kidney disease are bearing fruit”, the prime minister said after the introduction of robotic surgery at PKLI.

The Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI)’s robotic surgery was introduced on Wednesday, and the Prime Minister congratulated both the public and the medical professionals.

“Alhamdulillah, the efforts in Pakistan to treat liver and kidney disease are bearing fruit”, the prime minister said after the introduction of robotic surgery at PKLI.

According to him, the establishment of PKLI served to create a modern facility for the treatment of kidney and liver disease in the nation. A top-notch liver and kidney treatment facility has been established at the PKLI for the benefit of the nation.” He continued, “PKLI will turn into Pakistan’s John Hopkins.”

He hoped the PKLI would do its part to lower the mortality rate and prevent the kidney and liver diseases that were on the rise in the nation. Effective measures were required to address the 2.77 current mortality ratio for kidney disease.

The prime minister decided that the government would build modern hospitals in other regions of the nation that were comparable to PKLI.

He claimed that while the current administration prioritised providing access to education and healthcare, the previous administration had been using technology to target political rivals and government institutions.

He claimed that after being disrupted in 2018, the public welfare course has now been restored. No matter the cost, he said, “I will not abandon the path of public welfare.”

The PKLI PET-CT scanner facility is the third in Punjab and the fifth in Pakistan. The newest Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) is operational at PKLI&RC, and stainless steel panels with anti-bacterial and anti-amoebic coating are used in the modular operation theatres where laparoscopic surgeries are performed.

Systems are constantly being developed by PKLI & RC to guarantee the prompt delivery of unparalleled services to patients.

The hospital’s drive to become a centre of excellence in Pakistan’s healthcare industry, healing both the body and spirit of distressed human beings, is largely supported by its high-quality facilities, qualified medical professionals, sympathetic staff, and, above all, its captivating mission.