Exhibition Held To Help Children Learn About Optical Technology

The exhibition, according to Gu Jincheng is extremely significant and particularly pertinent to the material on light in the fifth-grade science textbook.


Exhibition Held To Help Children Learn About Optical Technology

The Beijing Science Center recently hosted the opening of an exhibition with an optics theme that is geared towards young people. Primary school students were invited to attend. Children are able to learn about the evolution of optics and the various uses of the optical technology through interactive experiences.

The students were communicated with, shown instruments, and given an explanation of the mysteries of various technologies on-site by science teachers and engineers.

Children can use detection tools for eye and dental care, for instance, which will motivate them to take care of their eyes and teeth. Additionally, they can use an optical microscope to view cells and experiment with three-dimensional imaging modelling tools.

The exhibition, according to Gu Jincheng, a science instructor at the capital’s Xitun Central Primary School, is extremely significant and particularly pertinent to the material on light in the fifth-grade science textbook. After such an immersive experience, children can learn that light is closely related to their lives.

The China Association of Children’s Science Instructors and Zeiss Industrial Quality Solutions jointly organise the exhibition. Other Chinese cities will be visited during its tour, including Shanghai, Wuxi in Jiangsu province, and Dongguan in Guangdong province.

It is a component of the German optics company’s public welfare tour initiative for youth science education in China. In order to broaden the perspectives of young Chinese people, the corporation collaborated with other science and technology firms to establish a platform for youth science education.

Anything involving light or vision, whether it be visible light or infrared light, that serves a specific purpose is referred to as optical or optical technology.

For instance, optical fibre, like the one on the right, is a kind of wire that typically carries light signals and is made of glass or plastic. These signals are an example of how data can be transferred over a network and can be decoded by a computer as data.

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