HEC Advises Varsities To Enact Revised Teacher Education Roadmap

The collaboration between Teach For Malaysia and the Micron Foundation is a component of the Teach For All global initiative, with which Teach For Malaysia is associated.

HEC Advises Varsities To Enact Revised Teacher Education Roadmap

Teach for Malaysia, a non-governmental organisation, and the Micron Foundation are collaborating on the fellowship programme.

In addition to encouraging teacher collaboration, the partnership will give Micron team members and students from the local community the chance to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.

Teach For Malaysia will be able to hire and train qualified teachers to be placed in underserved schools. With Micron’s assistance, the NGO will be able to work with 57 teachers and reach more than 8,550 students at underserved schools in Perak and Sarawak this year.

Teach For Malaysia CEO Chan Soon Seng said, “Teach For Malaysia is working towards building a movement of promising leaders who will empower students in B40 communities to reverse their learning losses and build the skills needed for them to be ready for their future.”

The goal of program is to provide all children with access to high-quality education so they can reach their full potential. As part of the “Program Duta Guru” (PDG), also known as the “Ambassador Teacher Program,” Teach For Malaysia will begin training and coaching 985 government STEM teachers who are already employed by the government as of 2020.

Chan said,” Teach For Malaysia is working to create a movement of energetic leaders who will give students in B40 communities more power.The program’s implementation partner is Teach For Malaysia, which is working with the PETRONAS Foundation and the Ministry of Education. By 2030, the programme hopes to empower 4,500 STEM teachers and reach close to 4 million students.”

According to Chan, This non-governmental organisation continues to put its emphasis on fostering teachers’ leadership by teaching them how to facilitate 21st-century learning skills, such as integrating STEM and applying the engineering design process in the classroom, as well as leading social innovation projects in local communities.

The collaboration between Teach For Malaysia and the Micron Foundation is a component of the Teach For All global initiative, with which Teach For Malaysia is associated.

Teach For All launched the Future of Work Initiative on a global scale. To rethink how education can prepare students for the future, this multi-stakeholder partnership will bring together businesses, a network of students, teachers, and communities.

In order to build STEM talent pathways to better prepare students for the workforce of the future and give teachers the tools and support they need to be successful, Teach For All and its network partners have formed a foundational partnership with Micron.

Chan continued by saying that Teach For Malaysia is dedicated to directly investing in the professional growth of teacher leaders in order to motivate and direct students towards STEM and the future careers.

Since its launch in 2012, Teach for Malaysia’s 474 fellows, 583 PDG and alumni have impacted over 330,285 students in 893 schools across the country.