FAPUASA Concerns Over Financial Crises Of Pakistan's Universities

Due to the non-payment of monthly salaries, several universities, including the University of Balochistan Quetta and University of Peshawar, are currently closed.

FAPUASA Concerns Over Financial Crises Of Pakistan's Universities

The financial crises that Pakistani universities are currently experiencing have drawn the serious concern of FAPUASA’s Central President, Prof. Dr. Kalim Ullah Bareach, Vice President, Dr. Farukh Arsalan Siddiqui, and General Secretary, Prof. Dr. Ikhtuar Ali Ghomro.

Due to their inability to pay their faculty and staff members’ monthly salaries, many universities are currently experiencing financial crises. Due to the non-payment of monthly salaries, several universities, including the University of Balochistan Quetta and University of Peshawar, are currently closed.

FAPUASA Central demands vehemently that the federal government increase the annual recurring and development budget for universities in the federal government budget (2023-2024) to at least 500 billion rupees and that each provincial government should also increase their grants in aid to their respective universities.

Universities’ current budgetary allotment is insufficient, and it has gotten harder for universities to cover costs and even pay monthly salaries. As a result, a lot of the faculty and staff are struggling and are unable to support themselves.

The standard of education offered by universities has also declined as a result of the lack of funding. Universities are unable to fund infrastructure, technology, and research. The quality of education and research output has decreased as a result, which worries FAPUASA Central.

Federal officials have been urged to give funding for universities top priority by the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association Central. The standard of instruction and research conducted by Pakistan’s universities will determine the country’s future.

According to the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association Central, spending money on education is an investment in Pakistan’s future. As a result, they urge the federal government to increase the budgetary allotment for universities and make sure they get the money they need to keep going and raise the bar for both research and education.

FAPUASA Central is dedicated to collaborating with the government to address the funding problems that universities are currently experiencing. They are hoping that the government will act right away to address these problems and guarantee Pakistan’s educational system’s future.