Pak Strives To Reduce Waste Responsible For Emission Of Greenhouse Gases

The Minister for Climate Change claims that Pakistan has been making efforts to reduce waste that increases emission of greenhouse gases in order to protect the environment.

Pak Strives To Reduce Waste Responsible For Emission Of Greenhouse Gases

The Minister for Climate Change claims that Pakistan has been making efforts to reduce waste that increases emission of greenhouse gases in order to protect the environment.

To lessen the environmental impact, the government should focus on reducing waste and recycling materials, the minister said here while addressing a seminar on the circular economy. The government has been taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

Everyone must fulfil their specific responsibilities. It is necessary to regulate the plastic waste that is currently produced. Recycling of plastic and other materials is done all over the world. Pakistan also requires recycling facilities, she continued.

She emphasised that poorly managed waste is a significant issue in Pakistan and said that all of the country’s major stakeholders must be involved in managing waste. Minister claimed that when it comes to the top 10 nations most impacted by environmental deterioration and climate change, Pakistan is one of them.

The floods in the country affected more than 33 million people. We have never seen such massive devastation brought on by climate change, she said, adding that a loss of 9% of Pakistan’s gross domestic product was a result of the natural disaster.

The Living Indus Initiative, which consists of projects to address climate change, biodiversity, and pollution, was launched by the Ministry of Climate Change in an effort to protect the most vulnerable from the effects of climate change, the Minister of Climate Change stated.

Almost all of the rise in emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 150 years can be attributed to human activity. When there are insufficient funds to combat climate change, low-income countries suffer more than developed countries. Although Pakistan only contributes 0.9% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it is one of the nations most susceptible to the effects of climate change.