Paymob, Raptr Partner To Bring Avenues For Content Creators in Pakistan

Raptr Games is a startup gaming platform and game payments company based in Singapore and operating in Pakistan.

Paymob, Raptr Partner To Bring Avenues For Content Creators in Pakistan

Imran Khan, the CEO and founder of Raptr Games, said, “We at Raptr have been fervently working to introduce Esports and new revenue streams for gamers and game content creators in Pakistan. Our most recent product is, a cutting-edge streaming platform and payment system designed specifically for gamers in Pakistan.”

In order to incorporate various payment methods and financial technology solutions, Paymob, one of the top financial services enablers in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan (MENA-P), has partnered with Raptr Games, a startup gaming platform with headquarters in Singapore.

The partnership will enable smooth and real-time payments from viewers to their preferred streamers in addition to making it easier for local gaming content creators in Pakistan to monetize their streams. Additionally, Paymob will offer integrated reporting and settlement options to increase the transparency and visibility of the gaming industry.

According to him, “by collaborating with a reputable financial services provider like Paymob, we can ensure that our users have the flexibility to send and receive payments seamlessly while creating gaming content—a feature that was unavailable to Pakistani gamers and viewers.

Raptr Games is a startup gaming platform and game payments company based in Singapore and operating in Pakistan. Raptr recently closed its pre-seed round, funded by local and international investors and focusing on the growing gaming market in Pakistan and the region.

When launching Raptr, the company sought a partner that could enable a seamless and reliable multi-channel payments experience for its users to make it simple for streamers and content creators to monetize their work, thereby making Paymob a natural fit.

Raptr Games will make it possible for streamers to withdraw their money using a variety of methods, such as debit cards and digital wallets.

Hundreds of streamers have already registered for the streaming platform’s early access on their website and are eagerly awaiting its official launch. “We are excited to partner with Raptr Games and enter the e-sports and gaming space in Pakistan,” said Fawad Abdul Kader, Country Manager of Paymob Pakistan.

“By working together, we hope to make it easier for the online gaming community and content producers to collect easy, secure payments and optimise their work for a wider audience. Our primary goal is to offer standardised reporting and settlement options for Pakistan’s growing e-gaming industry ” he added.

E-sports and gaming are popular pastimes among young people in Pakistan, where the market is worth $250 million a year. Over the past few years, there have been numerous large-scale e-sports competitions, with professional gamers from Pakistan becoming world champions on a number of well-known platforms like Tekken, Valorant, DOTA, KOF, and many others.