Digital Payments Platform Easypaisa Celebrates Intl' Women's Day

The most popular digital payments platform in Pakistan commemorated International Women’s Day by reaffirming its commitment to supporting women’s financial empowerment.

Digital Payments Platform Easypaisa Celebrates Intl' Women's Day

The most popular digital payments platform in Pakistan, Easypaisa, commemorated International Women’s Day by reaffirming its commitment to supporting women’s financial empowerment.

Easypaisa, a leader in digital payments platform in Pakistan, has led the charge in promoting financial inclusion and raising financial literacy among women so they can better manage their finances and become economically independent. To celebrate the strong and resilient women of TMB and easypaisa, special events were held in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad offices.

A panel discussion on “advancing financial empowerment for women in Pakistan” was also scheduled. Participants in the discussion came from a variety of industries, including fintech, HR, advocacy, and entertainment.

Members of the panel included female leaders from TMB and easypaisa who discussed their individual paths to professional success and how they acquired financial empowerment along the way.

On this International Women’s Day, we at TMB and easypaisa are honoured to celebrate remarkable women, said M. Mudassar Aqil, CEO of easypaisa and Telenor Microfinance Bank. “We recognise that financial inclusion and women’s empowerment are moral imperatives as we work to build a more inclusive Pakistan. Given that women make up more than half of our population, it is our highest responsibility to provide them with the resources, tools, and support they need to take charge of their futures and achieve their goals.”

“As a company, we commit to making TMB/easypaisa an employer of choice by successfully implementing positive policies and practises, and we support and promote women in leadership roles.

He also emphasised that TMB/easypaisa, as a company, will continue to play a role in supporting women’s financial empowerment and advancing its mission of creating a financially inclusive Pakistan where everyone has the same chance to succeed.

Pouruchisty Sidhwa, CHRO of easypaisa and Telenor Microfinance Bank, offered the following insight: “In Pakistan, less than 12% of women hold leadership positions, which is one of the lowest percentages in the region. It is crucial to provide women with new opportunities so they can shatter the glass ceiling and leave their mark in order to financially empower them.”

“We are dedicated to supporting this cause and ensuring equity for women at all levels here at TMB/easyPaisa. Easypaisa strives to increase financial inclusion rates, which demonstrates its dedication to empowering women.”

Easypaisa has made it simpler for women to access financial services catered to their unique needs through the power of technology and partnerships.