Health System Reforms Required To Make Pakistan A Healthy Country

We want Pakistan to be a healthy nation. To give people of Pakistan a healthy environment, unconventional solutions must be found”, said acting provincial health minister.

Health System Reforms Required To Make Pakistan A Healthy Country

Reforms to the health system must be put in place for Pakistan to become a healthy nation. The health system has suffered significant harm as a result of conventional treatment methods. According to the acting provincial health minister, research is essential to defending Pakistan’s population against deadly diseases.

The 4th annual international conference was held at a nearby hotel under the sponsorship of the Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine, and the interim provincial health minister attended as the closing session’s chief guest.

Political, social, economic, and cultural considerations are just a few of the many variables that go into the complicated process of health system reforms. It calls for a thorough evaluation of the current healthcare system as well as knowledge of the population’s needs and priorities.

The closing session was presided over by Higher Education Commission Chairman Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed. Many medical professionals from different countries took part.

The minister commended the administration for planning the yearly global conference. He claimed that the conference held under the sponsorship of the Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine had succeeded in accomplishing its objectives. Every person should contribute in some way to benefit humanity.

People must face some challenges in order to serve humanity. According to the provincial health minister, “I have faced terrorism charges in the past for defending doctors’ rights, but Allah Almighty stopped me. We must create a healthy society in order to create a healthy nation.”

“We want Pakistan to be a healthy nation. To give the people of Pakistan a healthy environment, unconventional solutions must be found. In Pakistan, there ought to be a biotechnology industry,” he continued.

While giving his opinion, Higher Education Commission Chairman Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed expressed his gratitude to the interim provincial health minister for inviting him to the conference. There were visitors from various nations present at the conference.

“In order to advance Pakistan, we must alter our mindset. I’m here at my brother’s request,” “he declared. HEC Chairman Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed was given a commemorative shield by the interim provincial health minister.