Agreement Signs To Launch IT Industry Academia Bridge Program

The work of ISTD and Hazza will produce a talent pool that is knowledgeable and skilled enough to spur innovation and expansion in the IT industry.

Agreement Signs To Launch IT Industry Academia Bridge Program

A contract establishing the IT Industry Academia Bridge Program has been signed by the Information Science and Technology Department (ISTD), the Government of Sindh, and the Hazza Institute of Technology.

The signing ceremony took place on March 1, 2023, in the committee room of the ISTD Government of Sindh. Ms. Tanzila Umi Habiba and Mr. Asif Ikram, the Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Sindh on Information, Science, and Technology, also attended.

The programme aims to give 3000 students in their sixth, seventh, and eighth semesters from public and private sector universities practical industry exposure and hands-on training in order to equip them with real-world experience and prepare them for the challenges of the IT industry.

The ISTD Government of Sindh and the Hazza Institute have joined forces to create the IT Industry Academia Bridge Program, which aims to close the knowledge gap between academia and industry in Sindh.

Together, the ISTD Government of Sindh and the Hazza Institute will work to make the programme successful and develop a talent pool with the abilities and know-how required to spur innovation and expansion in the IT industry.

Ms. Tanzila Umi Habiba praised Hazza and the ISTD Government of Sindh for working together to launch this programme and emphasised the significance of such initiatives in fostering the expansion of the IT industry in Sindh.

For the development and expansion of the industry, it is essential to close the gap between academia and the IT sector. To meet the market’s ever-evolving demands, the sector requires a workforce with the most recent training and expertise.

The work of ISTD and Hazza will produce a talent pool that is knowledgeable and skilled enough to spur innovation and expansion in the IT industry.

This connection’s goal is to highlight significant academic-industry collaborations that can increase students’ chances of finding employment. In order to help the people of Sindh earn respectable livings and reduce poverty in Sindh, we continue to invest in Vocational, Technical & Professional Trainings, Skills Development, Career Counseling, and Job Placement.

Mr. Asif Ikram, Secretary, IS&T Department, stressed the importance of IT skills in a nation’s economic development. He claimed that placing a strong emphasis on developing a nation’s human capital through investments in its youth would significantly alter the employment landscape.

Furthermore, the only industry capable of bringing in foreign exchange is information technology. If the youth are trained in the IT field, a nation with a demographic balance of more than 60% in favour of youth may experience economic stability.

He claimed that the Academia Industry Bridge Program would increase the number of jobs available to young people both domestically and abroad. He demonstrated his unwavering commitment to continuing these training programmes in the future.

The agreement ceremony was a significant step towards achieving the goal of bridging the gap between academia and industry in the IT sector. It showed the ISTD Government of Sindh and Hazza Institute of Technology’s dedication to fostering an environment that will support the expansion of the IT sector in the area.
The role of ISTD and Hazza in bridging the IT industry-academia gap through the IT industry-academia bridge programme The Hazza Institute of Technology is committed to enhancing Sindh’s employability through instruction, training, and job placement.

Dr. Hazza Azhar Iqbal Sindhu, managing director of HIT Hazza, expressed his enthusiasm for the IT-Industry Academia Bridge Program and noted that it is a significant milestone in the company’s efforts to support the growth of the IT industry in Sindh.