80 Companies Participate In Career Fair Hosts By GIK Institute

There is no shortage of talent in the nation, according to Tahir Irfan Khan, vice chancellor of Abbottabad University of Science and Technology.

80 Companies Participate In Career Fair Hosts By GIK Institute

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology organizes Career Fair on Thursday for students, and it attracted up to 80 national and international companies from all over the nation. The event was launched by Eric Zong, Huawei’s director for Pakistan’s partner development division.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from the companies, pro-rectors, deans, and department heads, faculty, research associates, engineers, directors, members of the Career Fair Committee, and students.

In their interactions with academic institutions, the company representatives interviewed final-year students for positions in their respective businesses. In June of this year, the final-year students should finish their BS studies in a variety of engineering and management science fields.

The country’s alarmingly high unemployment rate and the fact that company representatives were interviewing students for jobs in their organisations before they had finished their BS engineering degrees made officials of the companies claim that it was an unusual day in the academic calendar of the institute.

Eric Zong and Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid questioned the companies’ hiring practises, corporate cultures, and methods for integrating new emerging technologies into their organisations while overcoming a number of difficulties. Eric Zong praised the Career Fair’s bringing together of academia and industry on one stage.

According to Shakil Durrani, Executive Director of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan, they are interested in hearing from former students of the GIK Institute about how they can continue to improve.

There is no shortage of talent in the nation, according to Tahir Irfan Khan, vice chancellor of Abbottabad University of Science and Technology.

“The people of Pakistan are extraordinary, and we must work to meet the needs of this resource-rich nation. A robust industry could assist us in enhancing the national economy “he said.

Prof. Khalid discussed emerging technologies, GIK Institute’s ongoing innovation trends, and artificial intelligence. He also stressed the urgent need to strengthen ties between academia and industry.

“Companies now have a fantastic opportunity to interact with students and hire them while keeping their needs in mind thanks to the Career Fair. Additionally, they engaged in conversations with academics, “said he.

The world is changing quickly, and in order to improve our weak economy, we must keep up. Barrister Habil Ahmad Khan, President of the GIK Institute Alumni Association, stressed the importance of taxing the wealthy in order to break their monopoly and expressed optimism that opportunities for the next generation of educated individuals would soon be created.