President For Accelerating Digital Transformation Of Governance SystemsPresident For Accelerating Digital Transformation Of Governance Systems

The President regretted that roughly 10% of Pakistan’s population had lost access to their fundamental rights, a significant loss for the country.

President For Accelerating Digital Transformation Of Governance Systems
The President has called for re-enrolling over 20 million out-of-school kids and giving them opportunities to develop and succeed in life. He regretted that roughly 10% of Pakistan’s population had lost access to their fundamental rights, a significant loss for the country.

These opinions about out-of-school kids were voiced by the president on Thursday during the 20th convocation ceremony of Iqra University in Karachi. The Hussain Lakhani Group Chairman, Mr. Naveed Lakhani, Vice Chancellor of Iqra University, Ms. Erum Asad, alumni, faculty members, and parents of graduating students were all present.

The President stated that the educated youth and elites had a moral obligation to support these underprivileged children in receiving an education in order to make them contributing members of society.  He added that the youth and elites had the resources and power to assist and uplift this neglected sector of society.

In his remarks at the ceremony, the President emphasised the importance of health and education as the cornerstones for the socioeconomic development of the country. He urged Pakistani universities to provide their students with employable skills and the tools necessary to succeed in both their personal and professional lives.

The President urged students to adhere to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s principles of unity, faith, and discipline in both their academic and professional lives. He emphasised the value of enhancing their interactions with people in society and carrying out “Huqooq ul Ibad.”

To keep up with the world’s rapid change, he also urged students to become lifelong learners and to keep updating their knowledge and skills. He stated that Pakistan had high expectations for its youth and that they should work towards improving the socioeconomic situation in their nation.

In order to keep themselves and their country current with the exponential changes occurring in the fields of science and technology, particularly in the IT sector, he continued, the youth must adopt the most recent technology and concentrate on innovation, research, and development.

The president stressed the importance of implementing cutting-edge technologies and modern education to move the nation towards rapid development. He gave advice to the graduating students on how to uphold discipline and high moral standards, fulfil their duties to their country, and serve it zealously.

President of the University of Karachi, counselled the young people to lead balanced lives and to take good care of both their physical and mental health.  He urged faculty, staff, and alumni to uphold their social, moral, and religious obligations in addition to pursuing professional excellence. At the convocation ceremony, he presented degrees and medals to 800 students.