
The Special Technology Zones Authority needs to be reformed, and the Prime Minister declared that he will not tolerate any more delays in doing so.



A committee headed by the finance minister has been formed to make the Special Technology Zones Authority operational after the prime minister expressed his displeasure with the authority’s performance on Wednesday, according to Radio Pakistan.

He presided over a high-level meeting in Islamabad about the Special Technology Zones Authority, and he declared that it is completely unacceptable to waste the nation’s resources.

The committee will be comprised of the Ministers of Information Technology, Law, and Investment, the Advisor to the Prime Minister, Senator Afnanullah, and the Chairman of Capital Development Authority CDA.

The committee was given a week to submit its recommendations for enacting the Special Technology Zones Authority after receiving a directive from the prime minister. He also issued instructions for the Authority’s Board of Governors, making sure that experts were present and activating it.

The Prime Minister was informed that there are 400 companies registered in Special Technology Zones at the moment, with 63 percent of them being Pakistani. The remaining companies are from China, the United States, Turkey, and other nations.

The Board of Governors of the Authority and other topics were covered in the briefing before the meeting.

According to the prime minister, the country’s gifted youth are supporting themselves independently in the IT industry. Instead of investing in plots, he gave the order to concentrate on technology development, which is the authority’s main goal.

The Special Technology Zones Authority needs to be reformed, and the Prime Minister declared that he will not tolerate any more delays in doing so.

He claimed that the PML-N established the framework for educating the youth to boost Information Technology IT exports while in office and that millions of people were able to support themselves thanks to the laptops that were distributed to young people during the global coronavirus pandemic.