Pakistan Collab With China To Strengthen Blockchain Industry

Manzoor informed that PBI would release a roadmap for implementing blockchain technology in Pakistan in order to advance the sector.

Pakistan Collab With China To Strengthen Blockchain Industry

“We are working together on these bases to share knowledge and human resources in order to develop our own products because China is much more advanced than other nations in the blockchain industry and Pakistan has a high level of passion to advance.”

In an interview, Ahmad Manzoor, founder and CEO of the Pakistan Blockchain Institute (PBI), made this claim .

PBI and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), a research branch of the Chinese ministry of industry and information technology, signed a contract in January to hold online training sessions for Pakistani students and professionals in order to strengthen cooperation with China in the blockchain industry.

According to Manzoor, the agreement aims to build capacity for future blockchain projects by offering training with Chinese blockchain experts in the industry, technologies, and policies. He stated that in order to assist Pakistani youth and professionals in understanding and embracing technology, the two sides will launch the first basic-level course.

After the course, trainees will receive a training certificate that will be certified and digitally stored on the Blockchain Infrastructure and Facility (BIF), a blockchain and identifier infrastructure created by CAICT.

Manzoor informed CEN that PBI would release a roadmap for implementing blockchain technology in Pakistan in order to advance the sector. “We want to shift from being a project management nation to a product management nation, and both countries will collaborate on emerging technologies,” the statement reads.

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger technology that is used to record transactions across a network of computers in a secure and transparent manner.

The blockchain industry involves companies and organizations that are involved in the development and deployment of blockchain-based solutions, as well as the creation and trading of cryptocurrencies.

The industry is rapidly growing and has numerous applications in various industries, including finance, supply chain management, real estate, and healthcare.