Student Introduces First Practical Science Laboratory In Loralai

According to Mardanzai, laboratory work will be crucial to boosting science education and can be used to create scientific notation.

Student Introduces First Practical Science Laboratory In Loralai

In Loralai, Balochistan, a student founded the first Practical Science Laboratory to help students hone their abilities and broaden their understanding of important scientific ideas. This action was taken by F.Sc. student Jahangir Khan Mardanzai to draw young people’s attention to practical science.

According to Mardanzai, the establishment of a science lab had as its goal to inspire young people to engage in experimental research in order to assess the overall impact of practical experience on students’ academic knowledge of science. In order to help students develop their practical and analytical skills, he suggested that secondary school students be given plenty of opportunities to participate in practical lessons.

According to Mardanzai, laboratory work will be crucial to boosting science education and can be used to create scientific notation. Additionally, he advised Balochistan’s school administration to set up labs with all necessary tools for hands-on learning in order to strengthen students’ conceptual understanding at an early learning stage.

It is important to note that since the laboratory’s inception, educators and researchers have benefited from the practical work facilities and have responded favorably to them, he said, noting that the students come from various branches of chemistry, physics, and biology.

He continued, “Practical work has also been done to help students’ communication skills so they can solve science problems and become more motivated to learn science.” Mardanzai stated that the lab activities had presented a different perspective on the benefits of laboratory-based instruction. He asserted that practical work might be used in a way that would allow students to process the information for thoughtful solutions or to exercise creativity.

A practical science laboratory is a workspace equipped with tools and materials used for conducting scientific experiments and investigations.

The purpose of a practical science laboratory is to provide a controlled environment for conducting experiments and collecting data to help advance our understanding of scientific phenomena.