It is worth noting that Brigadier Younus Javed was the head of the NUST College of E&ME’s Computer Engineering Department for 12 years .

The state-run University of Kotli (UoK) is fully determined to deliver higher quality education in a conducive environment of research and innovation to reach the pinnacle of academic excellence, said Brig. (Retd) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed (Sitara-i-Imtiaz Military), outgoing Vice Chancellor UoK and sitting Vice Chancellor Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) Mirpur AJK, while addressing the fare ceremony hosted in honour of Vice Chancellor UoK at the Multipurpose Hall of the University on Saturday.

Higher quality education helps individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities needed to be successful in their chosen careers and in their personal lives.

Prof. Dr. Rehmat Ali Khan, the newly appointed Vice Chancellor, has returned to the position for a five-year term. Dr. Iftikhar Hussain, Registrar of the UoK, praised Brigadier Younus Javed’s visionary leadership, under which the UoK achieved numerous milestones.

The speakers recognised his outstanding contribution to the University and decades of meritorious service to the growth, uplift, and development of Pakistan’s and the state of Jammu and Kashmir’s education systems.

Prof. Dr. Rehmat Ali Khan, Vice Chancellor of the UoK, Deans of Faculties, Principal Officers, Heads of Departments, Faculty Members, and Administrative Staff attended the event to pay tribute and honour Brigadier Younus Javed’s service.

Brigadier Younus Javed thanked the UoK management for organising the farewell ceremony in his honour and stated that he had been on extensive travel for the past four months, compromising personal engagements in order to address all academic, administrative, and governing matters of both the UoK and MUST. I worked tirelessly and to the best of my abilities for the betterment of the UoK, he added. 

It is worth noting that Brigadier Younus Javed was the head of the NUST College of E&ME’s Computer Engineering Department for 12 years and Dean for four years from 2011 to 2015. Prior to his appointment as Vice Chancellor of MUST on June 25, 2021, he was Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology at HITEC University Taxila, where he later became Vice Chancellor.