Balochistan Residents Facing Shortage Of Drinking Water

The residents urged the government to reopen the closed water plants in order to ensure the availability of safe drinking water.

Balochistan Residents Facing Shortage Of Drinking Water

Balochistan residents are facing a severe shortage of clean drinking water due to the failure of most water filtration plants. According to civil societies, a large portion of their population lacks access to potable water due to faulty water filtration plants.

“Only 25% of Balochistan’s residents have access to safe drinking water,” they added. The residents urged the government to reopen the closed water plants in order to ensure the availability of safe drinking water.

According to a government official in Balochistan, the government has decided to rehabilitate and restore water filtration plants due to shortage of clean drinking water in the province on an emergency basis in order to provide quality drinking water to the people.

Balochistan’s Chief Minister has directed the officials concerned to rehabilitate out-of-order filtration plants within a month, he added.

He claimed that the government had set up water filtration plants in each district of the province to provide clean drinking water, but that they had failed due to poor maintenance. Furthermore, the government had raised the wages of water filtration plant operators. He stated that the government’s top priority was to resolve the water crisis.

According to the official, clean water would be available to all through the restoration of water treatment plants. He added that all available resources would be used to expedite the completion of clean water projects.

Using all available resources, proper measures had been taken to keep all tube-wells in the province operational so that citizens could receive water on time, he added.

He stated that the public health department had initiated many water supply schemes in each district of the province, but that the facilities would take some time to become operational.

He stated that the government has been working on laying new water supply lines throughout the province to ensure that everyone has access to potable water.