China Efforts To Ensure Supply Of Vegetables Amid Cold Wave

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs urged departments at all levels to prioritise preparations for the impact of the cold wave.

China Efforts To Ensure Supply Of Vegetables Amid Cold Wave

As a cold wave is expected to hit most of the country, China will increase efforts to ensure stable production and supply of vegetables as well as prevent weather-related losses.

In a circular issued on Wednesday, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs urged departments at all levels to prioritise preparations for the impact of the cold wave as the Spring Festival holiday approaches and vegetable consumption enters its peak season.

The ministry emphasised the importance of stepping up precautions against the cold wave and closely monitoring weather changes.

Farmers in northern regions should focus on solar greenhouse maintenance and reinforcement, as well as snow clearing, while those in the Yangtze River basin and southern China should improve greenhouse heat preservation, according to the circular. It also emphasised the importance of harvesting ripe vegetables on time and in accordance with market and weather conditions.

Solar greenhouses use solar energy to heat the greenhouse and maintain optimal temperatures for plant growth. Maintenance of a solar greenhouse includes regular cleaning of the solar panels to ensure maximum efficiency, monitoring and adjusting the temperature and humidity levels, checking for and repairing any leaks or damage to the greenhouse structure, and maintaining proper irrigation and nutrient systems for the plants.

Additionally, it’s important to regularly check and maintain the ventilation systems to ensure proper air circulation and prevent the buildup of excess heat or humidity. It is also important to keep an eye on pests and diseases and take the necessary measures to prevent infestations.

To keep the greenhouse running smoothly and to ensure the health of the plants, regular maintenance and upkeep are crucial.

Cold waves can be detrimental to the production of vegetables, China has to take measures such as providing greenhouse heating, crop insulation materials, and other protective measures to ensure stable production and supply of vegetables.

Additionally, they may also take steps to prevent losses due to weather, such as implementing early warning systems and emergency response plans.