MiM Program Aims To Promote Use Of Technology For Creating Impact

This programme will allow FAST-NUCES students to gain valuable experience, skills, and understanding of their local communities while also raising awareness for important causes.

MiM Program Aims To Promote Use Of Technology For Creating Impact

The MiM Student Ambassadors Program is part of My Impact Meter’s “Tech for Social Impact” movement, which aims to promote the use of technology to create social impact with the assistance of students and technology professionals.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by My Impact Meter CEO Kanwal Cheema and FAST-NUCES Rector Dr. Aftab Maroof.

This programme will allow FAST-NUCES students to gain valuable experience, skills, and understanding of their local communities while also raising awareness for important causes. “We are excited to see the positive impact of this programme,” it continued.

The programme will involve students in meaningful activities such as volunteering, onboarding impactors and impact suppliers, and community outreach. It will also give students the opportunity to learn the value of giving back to their community and the power of advocacy.

The signing of this agreement marks the beginning of a collaboration that will foster an environment of collaboration, learning, and growth for the program’s students.

My Impact Meter also intends to expand MiM’s Student Ambassadors Program to include other academic institutions. My Impact Meter has also launched its Academic Engagement Program (AEP) with Pakistan’s leading educational institutions, where My Impact Meter’s leadership and team members mentor and train students through internships, training sessions, and project supervision.

My Impact Meter is a centralised platform, social media ecosystem, and set of impact services for creating impact. It connects impactors to impact suppliers, from whom they can purchase food, health care, and education services for their preferred impacts. Impacts can then physically go to these services and use them.

My Impact Meter generates an impact footprint to measure success in terms of impact, allowing impactors to raise the bar for themselves through the use of technology.

MiM programmes aim to prepare students for leadership roles in a variety of industries and organisations, as well as to provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to make a positive impact in their careers.