10,000 Pakistani women to receive free cervical cancer screening

The AI-powered screening device can detect cancer cells in digitised images in minutes using decades of manually collected diagnosis data and algorithm models.

10,000 Pakistani women to receive free cervical cancer screening

Landing Med, a medical technology company based in Wuhan, China, recently sent three self-developed cervical cancer screening devices to Pakistan, along with 5,000 sets of supporting consumable items. 10,000 Pakistani women will benefit from free cervical cancer screening and early tumour detection thanks to these AI-powered devices.

The China-Pakistan AI Cervical Cancer Screening Program’s first batch of devices has arrived. More will be provided to Pakistan in the future. In addition, Landing Med will establish a Cloud Diagnostic Research Center for Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital in order to provide nationwide cervical cancer screening in Pakistan.

AI screening outperforms artificial diagnosis in terms of speed and accuracy. Even the most experienced pathologist can only examine 100 cell slides per day. Furthermore, some pathological cells that do not exhibit obvious changes in the early stages may be missed when observed under a microscope.

The AI-powered screening device, on the other hand, can detect cancer cells in digitised images in minutes using decades of manually collected diagnosis data and algorithm models.

According to Sun Xiaorong, founder and president of Landing Med, because Pakistan has a large population, there are many women who require free cervical cancer screening. To increase coverage, efficient testing methods are required.

To help women in remote areas with limited medical resources, the company has created a 5G+AI cloud diagnosis platform where experts from over ten countries can consult on reports uploaded to the platform, saving patients the trouble of returning to the hospital for sample collection and report analysis.

On the ninth meeting of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Joint Cooperation Committee in 2019, two think tanks of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences signed an MoU with Pakistan’s Ministry of Health to jointly provide AI cervical cancer screening services in Gwadar Port and other cities in Pakistan. In November 2021, Landing Med signed an agreement with its Pakistani partner to carry out the programme.