Youth In Prison Allowed To Study Medicines: Government

The minister said that from next year the young prisoners would also be allowed to get admission in nursing, allied health sciences, MBBS, and other disciplines of their choice.

Youth In Prison Allowed To Study Medicines: Government

Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on Friday directed the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) to make arrangements for the inclusion of young prisoners in the next admission test of medical and dental colleges.

In a statement, the minister said that from next year these prisoners would also be allowed to get admission in nursing, allied health sciences, MBBS, and other disciplines of their choice. He said that all public sector medical universities and health institutions would be bound to give admission to those aspiring prisoners who are in jail as this is their basic right to get education. He said that instructions have been issued in this regard to the PMC.

He said that the objective was to respect the rights of the prisoners and allow them to avail equal opportunities in education so that they could play a positive role in society. The minister said that no development was possible without getting progress in the education and health sector. He added the present government truly represents the wishes of the common people.

Education helps break the cycle, connecting incarcerated students with the kinds of opportunities and insights that enables them to help themselves, their families, and their communities. High-quality educational opportunities in prison also lower repeat crimes.

Education for prisoners is even more essential as it not only makes their life better, but also equips them to lead better life when they return back to civilization. Education transforms the prisoner’s life. It works like a therapy in their lives with positive and constructive thinking.

It is a worthy investment by government to educate the prisoners as education helps them succeed in their lives. This will reduces the crime rate in the society. Prisoners would become responsible and would teach teenagers and neighborhood communities on the advantages and disadvantages of education.

Originally published at The Nation