PAS plans to formulate pandemic control related strategies

Pakistan Academy of Sciences in collaboration with ANSO and MAAP organized a three-day conference to formulate pandemic control related strategies.

PAS plans to formulate pandemic control related strategies

To highlight pandemic control related strategies, a three-day ANSO-PAS-MAAP Conference on Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness was jointly organized by the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), Alliance of International Science Organization (ANSO), and Monbukagakusho-MEXT Alumni Association of Pakistan (MAAP) at the Academy of Sciences here in Islamabad on Monday.

During this three-day event, 33 experts from Pakistan and foreign countries (China, Italy, New Zealand, and USA) focused on surveillance and preparedness against global Pandemics and epidemics while 50 posters presented on various themes of pandemics and epidemics.

Over 400 academicians, scientists, researchers and postgraduate students from around the world are participating in the deliberations of the conference through physical and/or virtual (online) presence.

Recommendations of the conference will be shared with national and international bodies and research institutions dealing with the development of vaccines for the control of potential epidemic and pandemic-related issues worldwide.

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman, Higher Education Commission. Dr Mukhtar appreciated the efforts of PAS, ANSO and MAAP for jointly organizing this useful event for the health and safety of mankind from epidemics and pandemics.

Dr. Mukhtar motivated the young scientists and postgraduate students for their role in diagnosis, control, therapeutic and vaccine strategies for different viruses. He mentioned that HEC has been preempting to have the concept of smart universities to have higher education online.

Prof. Dr. CAO Jinghua, Executive Director, ANSO also addressed the gathering online on behalf of Prof. Dr. Chun Li Bai, President of ANSO. He appreciated the efforts of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and COVID-related management in the Country for spreading awareness about the adverse impacts of epidemics and pandemics.

Earlier, Prof. Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Secretary General, Pakistan Academy of Sciences welcomed the Chief Guest, distinguished scientists, speakers and participants. He shed light on the role of the Academy in facilitating Pakistani academicians, scientists and researchers for innovative R&D in various scientific disciplines for implications in the domain of health, energy, technology.

Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, President MAAP, Distinguished National Professor, Prof Emeritus, QAU, Islamabad, presented the keynote address and thanked PAS, ANSO and HEC for collaborating in the organization of this event and highlighted the improvement in pandemic control-related strategies, risk management and policies against future possible outbreaks. He had a draft strategy to combat future pandemics.

In his inaugural address, Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Khan congratulated the collaborating institutions and organizing team for their efforts in organizing the event. He talked about the spread and impacts of some devastating pandemics in past (hong kong flu, swine flu and COVID-19 outbreaks) on mankind.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali (QAU), organizer of the event and Principal Investigator of the ANSO Project on Molecular detection and Characterization of Bat-borne Viruses from Pakistan talked about zoonotic viruses that are responsible for pandemics and endemics, which affect almost every field of life throughout the world.

Dr. Ali specifically targeted viruses associated with Bats, and that Bats are the main reservoir of viruses. He presented his Valuable project and the inevitable struggle for identification and studying these bats and their microbiome all over Pakistan.