Tencent Foundation Awards 100 Scientists For Their Research

Tencent Foundation awards One hundred scientists with the “Xplorer Prize” for their research over the past two years. The award was presented by Tencent Foundation to encourage young people to enter the field of science and technology.

Tencent Foundation Awards 100 Scientists For Their Research

Tencent Foundation awards One hundred scientists with the “Xplorer Prize” for their research over the past two years. The award was presented by Tencent Foundation to encourage young people to enter the field of science and technology. Xu Hua reports. Tencent Foundation awards the Xplorer prize to support young scientists.

A moment of glory, 100 scientists are rewarded for their discoveries and breakthroughs in various fields. Among them is Fan Zhiyong, whose work could help restore vision to the blind and protect the public from the threat of toxic and harmful gases.

PROFESSOR FAN ZHIYONG, 2022 Xplorer Prize Winner, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology “Free exploration does not mean being a lonely warrior. It means being part of a team of like-minded scientists in the same field, each of whom can be creative in their own position and cooperate with others to solve scientific problems together.”

The Xplorer Prize was set up by Tencent Foundation in 2019 with an initial donation of 140 million US dollars. It’s awarded to 50 scientists each year, and each winner receives a total of 418-thousand dollars over the next five years.

XI DAN, Senior Vice President, Tencent “The 20th CPC National Congress stressed that ‘we must regard science and technology as our primary productive force, talents as our primary resource, and innovation as our primary driver of growth’. This makes us feel that it is the right time and a great opportunity for us to support young scientists to venture into ‘no man’s land’ through the Xplorer Prize.”

In an attempt to map out the future of human science in the next three to five years, 100 scientists selected top 10 topics for basic scientific research in 2022. Some are calling for long-term and stable support for young scientists.

XUE QIKUN, President, Southern University of Science and Technology “There are many uncertainties in scientific research and scientific breakthroughs, which need stable and long-term support to be solved. I hope with the development of our country’s economy and society, more support will be given to young scientists so that they can devote themselves to tackling key problems.”

XU HUA, Shenzhen “China says it will implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and strengthen talent support for modernization. With joint efforts from government leaders, tech companies and scientists, the journey will likely be much easier. Xu Hua, CGTN, Shenzhen.”

Originally published at CGTN