Social media reunite family of Karachi's Chaman Ara after 51 years

Waliullah Maroof a social media influencer firmly believe that social media reunite family more strongly. In Chaman Ara’s case, he wrote the story on his social media and asked for help in the search.

Social media reunite family of Karachi's Chaman Ara after 51 years

In proof of the narrative that social media reunite family, Waliullah Maruf a social media activist told that Nitullah Qazi was trying for search of Chaman Ara’s family for the last several years, but he was not getting success.

Umme Marsalina and Umm Taslima, both sisters, were separated from their mother in 1971 under very painful circumstances. At that time, they were only four and two years old. Umme Marsalina is the elder, while Umm Taslima is the younger sister and currently resides in Denmark.

Umme Taslima says that it is so sad that we were deprived of our mother’s touch for so many years, and she kept crying remembering us. We sisters have now become grandmothers. We can understand how sad a mother must be to lose her daughters. Now we and our mother should get a chance to meet and spend time together.

51 years ago, Karachi’s Chaman Ara was married to Muhammad Muslim of Bangladesh, but after the partition of Bengal, they got separated. During this time, her two daughters, Umm Marsalina and Umm Taslima, were separated from their mother.

Umme Marsalina said that she and her younger sister cried together for hours and thought about their mother. “Our heart was saying that she was alive, and she was on our way, but the problem was that we had neither a picture nor an identity card of mother.” They started to search her mother with the help of their son-in-law Niyatullah Qazi through social media.

According to Waliullah Maruf, who believes social media reunite family told that Nitullah Qazi was trying for search of her for the last several years, but he was not getting success.

“I wrote the story of Chaman Ara on my social media and asked for help in the search.” Waliullah said that this story reached WhatsApp groups from social media. Chaman Ara’s nephew Syed Irfan was also present in one such group who, when he read it, told that this story was his aunt’s, and she was alive.

Waliullah Maruf says that he then went to his house, where he got information about Chaman Ara’s family.

All that information was word for word the same as what was told by his daughters. Waliullah then showed the picture of Chaman Ara to her relatives, who recognized that this picture was taken by Chaman Ara many years ago.

After that, there was talk of mothers and daughters. They saw each other on video call. Umme Taslima says that when she saw her mother on a video call, she felt so relaxed.