GEW-China 2022 sets space and time with metaverse technology

GEW-China 2022 held first time with metaverse technology, the event broke free from time, space and geographical restrictions.

GEW-China 2022 sets space and time with metaverse technology

The week-long 16th Global Entrepreneurship Week China 2022, or GEW-China 2022, concluded on Monday. Held for the first time with metaverse technology, the event broke free from time, space and geographical restrictions to hold 45 sub-events. Its participants reached 40,000 in total, including those from startups, investment institutions, big-name enterprises, government agencies and universities.

Dozens of technological innovation companies participated in the innovation-themed exhibition, and 412 entrepreneurial projects were able to draw attention from investment and financing institutions thanks to the event.

The event organizers also invited many famous experts and business executives to deliver speeches and share their insights on the development of specific industries and sectors. The speakers included He Jifeng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

A total of 10 startups were awarded Eyas Awards for excellent angle fund projects by the Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship Foundation for Graduates at a sub-line event. A list of top 30 venture investors was also unveiled at the closing ceremony of the GEW-China 2022.

“Metaverse” has become a new buzzword in China, bringing about a host of new and exciting business opportunities. Chinese technology companies have begun testing the water by developing metaverse-type apps, trademarking metaverse-related phrases, and investing in the VR/AR segment.

A metaverse is not device-independent, nor owned by a single vendor. It is an independent virtual economy, enabled by digital currencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). As a combinatorial innovation, metaverses require multiple technologies and trends to function.

A platform for augmented reality called Metaverse enables users to build interactive experiences that combine the virtual and real worlds. Additionally, it can be considered a virtual version of the concept or idea of cyberspace.

Known globally to be the ultimate game developing platform, Unity also helps you build metaverse solutions. Unity is known to be a powerful editor that allows you to create 3D virtual reality assets and also works well with Oculus. A big competitor of Unity 3D is Unreal Engine.

Originally published at China Daily