Executive Director of COMSATS pays courtesy call on Kazakh envoy

The Executive Director of COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E.Mr.Yerzhan Kistafin.

Executive Director of COMSATS pays courtesy call on Kazakh envoy

The Executive Director of COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E.Mr.Yerzhan Kistafin.
The Ambassador of Kazakhstan congratulated Ambassador Zakaria on his appointment as ED of COMSATS_ an international Intergovernmental organization of 27 countries. The Ambassador said that Kazakhstan attaches high importance to COMSATS and relevant organizations work closely with the Secretariat. The Executive Director COMSATS thanked the Ambassador and apprised him about various activities of COMSATS and its Centres of Excellence. H.E. Mr. Kistafin wished Dr. Zakaria a successful tenure and assured him of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s full support to COMSATS.

Separately, honorable Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Youth Affairs, MNA Shaza Fatima Khawaja also visited COMSATS secretariat on 14 November, 2022. During the meeting, Ms. Shaza was apprised of COMSATS’ programmes and undertakings aimed at socio-economic development in the Global South through scientific tools and mechanisms. Thanking Dr. Zakaria for the briefing, Ms. Shaza expressed interest in COMSATS’ activities with the aim of building cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

The importance of meaningful engagement of youth in various sectors of economy also came under discussion during the meeting that took place on 14 November, 2022. Dr. Zakaria opined that equipping the youth with necessary skills of modern times and STEM education can aid the progress towards sustainable development. It was also agreed that there is a huge potential in the youth in the global South region.

Dr. Muhammad Nafees Zakarai, Executive Director COMSATS received the Hon. Minister. She congratulated the ED on his appointment.

The Executive Director briefed the SAPM on the COMSATS and its activities, which were aimed at benefiting its members in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation in a variety of ways.

The SAPM expressed keen interest in COMSATS activities and to cooperate with a view to benefit from it. The Executive Director underscored the meaningful youth engagement and equipping them with STEM education and skills of modern world needs can bring a sustainable development in the region.

Both agreed that there is a huge potential in the youth bulge of the global south.

originally published at Pakistan Today