Cable network, The Internet service providers and cable operators have decided to join Sindh government’s campaign to beauty the metropolitan city and finalised a project to lay all their scattered network of overhead cables underground.

All overhead cable network to be laid underground

Chairman Cable Operators Association of Pakistan (CAP), Khalid Arain said that for the beautification of Karachi, cable operators and Internet service providers stand with the Sindh government. In this connection, he said that road cutting charges should be waved off and legal permission should be given for this project. cable network, The CAP Chairman, Khalid Arain and Vice Chairman of Pakistan Telecommunication Access Provider Association (PTAPA), Irshad Memon held a meeting with the representatives of cable operators and all Internet service providers. cable network, It was decided in the meeting that in order to beautify Karachi, cable operators and Internet service providers will lay all overhead cables underground and they will bear all the expenses which may incur on this project.

On this occasion, cable operators and Internet service providers requested the Corps Commander Karachi, Lieutenant General Muhammad Saeed, Governor Sindh, Kamran Khan Tesori, Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Murad Ali Shah, Sindh Municipal Minister, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Commissioner Karachi, Muhammad Iqbal Memon and Administrator Karachi, Barrister Murtaza Wahab to waive off the road cutting charges for this project and legal permission for road cutting should be given so that they will face no hindrance in completing of the project.

Source: This news is originally published by tribune

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