Dengue virus cases in Pakistan, Dengue virus cases spreading to epidemic proportions in Pakistan as the health ministry reports over 41,000 cases of the disease in Pakistan this year on Monday.

Over 41000 dengue virus cases in Pakistan this year

According to sources, the Ministry of National Health in a detailed report said that 41,746 the mosquito-borne disease has been reported this year. In last four days, 4194 dengue virus cases and six deaths have been reported across the country. dengue virus cases in Pakistan, This year, dengue virus has claimed 84 deaths, most of them reported from flood-hit Sindh province. This year 12,947 dengue cases have been reported in Sindh with 43 deaths, according to sources. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 11,613 dengue virus cases and nine deaths reported, while in Punjab this year 9,410 cases and 25 deaths reported,

According to sources. Dengue fever claimed seven lives in Islamabad, while 3,169 infections reported in the federal capital territory. In Balochistan 3,948 virus cases and Azad Kashmir 677 infections reported, however no deaths caused by the disease, sources said. Moreover, no case of dengue fever reported in Gilgit-Baltistan region, according to sources. dengue virus cases in Pakistan, There was no let-up in the number of dengue cases as Karachi reported another 247 infections of mosquito-borne disease during the past 24 hours. According to Sindh Health Department, as many as 247 cases of dengue fever were reported in the metropolis in the past 24 hours, taking the monthly tally to 2,193. Among these cases, 45 belong to District East, 48 in Central, 41 in Korangi.

Source: This news is originlly pulished by pakobserver

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