DAP is announced as an inefficient fertilizer, mentioned by Punjab Agriculture Department on their Website.

Pakistans DAP inventories rebounded in August

Pakistan’s DAP inventories rebounded in August, as domestic production easily outweighed consumption, and despite negligible imports. Pakistan ended August with DAP stocks of 426,000t, compared with 379,000t at the start of September last year, according to data from the country’s National Fertilizer Development Centre. DAP inventories rebounded from 337,000t at the beginning of July to 374,000t at the start of August, having started June at 370,000t. Pakistan began August last year with 407,000t of DAP in stock. Domestic DAP production last month was stable at 77,000t. Output has ranged from 72,000-79,000 t/month since April. Domestic sales dropped to just 26,000t in August,

After hitting 146,000t in June. Total sales in April-August reached 427,000t, a 36pc decrease from 667,000t in the same period a year earlier. DAP sales throughout the 2021 kharif season, running from April-September, were 879,000t. Pakistan imported no DAP in August, with April-August receipts of 160,000t falling sharply from 610,000t over the same period last year. But imports are expected to be bolstered shortly, as buyers have begun tentatively preparing for the winter rabi months, despite the impact of floods on domestic consumption in recent months. A DAP cargo from Saudi Arabia is likely to arrive by the end of September. Importers secured two further DAP cargoes from China and Saudi Arabia this week, with both loading early next month.

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