
In the past few decades, the world had faced multiple epidemic and pandemic situations which caused social, economic, and health effects.

By Sajid Ali Shah

In the post-modern era of technology, the world had witnessed a pandemic situation in the shape of COVID-19 which affected almost every corner of the world and caused economic, social and health effects. In this regard, we are pleased to announce a three-days conference. Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) with the support of Alliance of International Science Organization (ANSO) and Monbukagakusho-MEXT Alumni Association of Pakistan (MAAP) is going to arrange a conference on “Epidemics and pandemic preparedness” (November 14-16, 2022). The event will be happening in conference hall, PAS, 3-constitutional avenue, Islamabad.

It is generally believed the COVID-19 will not be the last epidemic. National and international experts and scientists will be discussing important and timely topics concerning preparedness for possible future pandemics/endemics. Dynamic students, academicians, medical staff and physicians/surgeons are encouraged to get registered for the event as soon as possible (online registration: https://forms.gle/uvKtmeZxQ5YSu1RW8 ). It is a great opportunity to meet renowned national and international speakers in person and/or online.

The main themes of the conference are:

  • The futures of public health in a changing world.
  • Health assessment, endemics, disease monitoring and reporting.
  • Health promotion and healthy behavior.
  • Health workforce, training and education, Communication, and endemics.
  • One Health.
  • Zoonosis and animal diseases and vaccines.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Anti-viral & anti-bacterial/anti-fungal agents.

The main objective of the conference is to bring together a wide audience of industry, healthcare, research, and medical practitioners to educate and bring about a fruitful debate on the confined topics. The conference also focuses to strengthen the capacities of members especially in the fields of emerging pathogens, disease diagnosis, surveillance, antibacterial and antiviral resistance, epidemiology, and prevention. The purpose of this event is to serve as a forum for enthusiastic researchers from all over the world to discuss scientific topics of mutual interest. The participants will have a chance to interact with the esteemed speakers in person. It will serve as a platform for a large-scale interactions and awareness about Endemics and pandemics preparedness. This event will also expose Pakistani and developing countries researchers with the best of science in the important field of interest. The event will provide a platform to exchange ideas, develop research linkages, and foster collaborations in the field of virus research. To draft a resolution/recommendation for the government.

The conference is supported by ANSO under the collaborative research grant program. Accommodation will be given at PAS Fellows Lodge, Islamabad, Pakistan.


The conference will be held on from November 14-16, 2022, at the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 3-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.

Dates to remember:


For registration and further information, please visit the following link

