Huawei’s ‘US-fee’ Supply Huawei ran afoul of the Trump administration which accused it variously of committing fraud, violating sanctions against Iran and stealing technology from competitors

What Huawei's 'US-fee' Supply Chain Would Mean For China

Huawei ran afoul of the Trump administration which accused it variously of committing fraud, violating sanctions against Iran and stealing technology from competitors Battered, bruised but not yet bested, Chinese technology giant Huawei has been at the centre of a protracted battle between the United States and China as both powers scramble to purge the other from their supply chains.  Supply is now at the leading edge of China’s efforts to build “US-free” supply chain that will cut the country’s dependence on foreign technology and spur home-grown innovation. Mint breaks down Huawei’s efforts and what it means for global economics Blocked by several Western countries,  Huawei’s ‘US-fee’ Supply Huawei is racing to build semiconductor chips of its own by collaborating with domestic Chinese firms Huawei’s ‘US-fee’ Supply.  Huawei ran afoul of the Trump administration which accused it variously of committing fraud, violating sanctions against Iran and stealing technology from competitors Founded in the 1980s by a former People’s Liberation Army engineer, Huawei was one of China’s first breakout international brands. It built up a dominant position in the smartphone and telecommunications industries, including in the development of 5G. Trump  administration which accused it variously of committing fraud The company has come into conflict with the Trump administration, which has accused it of committing fraud, violating sanctions against Iran and stealing technology from competitors. The most serious allegation was that Huawei posed a major national security threat due to its historically close ties to the Chinese military and government. The Chinese government had designated Huawei a “national champion” in 1996 and has served as a generous financial backer for the company over the years.

Source : This news is originally published by livemint