South Sudan and Djibouti plan to lay fibre optic cable from Djibouti through Ethiopia to the capital Juba.

South Sudan, Djibouti plan to lay fibre optic to Juba

The Ministry of Information, Communication Technology and Postal Services said the government and Djibouti officials would form a technical team to deliberate on the project, after they signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday. Djibouti plan to lay fibre optic, The deal was inked by the Minister of Information Michael Makuei Lueth and senior officials from Djibouti. South Sudan said it is also working closely with the World Bank to connect the country with another fibre optic cable from Kenya. Djibouti plan to lay fibre optic, The deal was signed in 2015. The country gained independence from Sudan in 2011 but years of civil war have denied it infrastructure to offer high speed Internet connections.

Source: This new is originally published by theeastafrican

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