Declaration of Miani Hor, Kalamat Hor and Jewani Mangroves forest as Marine Protected Areas in the offing. The 21st meeting of National Coordinating Body (NCB) was organized by IUCN Pakistan at a local hotel. The meeting was chaired by Federal Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, Mr. Asif Hyder Shah, and attended by relevant government officials, coastal authorities, Pakistan Navy, representatives of the provincial government agencies of Sindh and Balochistan, the private sector, NGOs, academia and research institutions.

Declaration of Miani Hor, Kalamat Hor and Jewani Mangroves forest as Marine Protected Areas in the offing.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Asif Hyder Shah, Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, highlighted key successes the Ministry achieved jointly with IUCN and other stakeholders as well as brought focus on numerous coast related issues. Jewani Mangroves forest as Marine Protected Areas in the offing., He said that the contribution of Pakistan towards greenhouse gas emission is minimal whereas the losses by natural calamities presently being faced by Pakistan are colossal. He said that we are facing water scarcity and need to have adequate water storage capacity for our future needs. He said that all the pollution from rivers end up in the sea.

He further said that the government is trying to build a consolidated database that all the stages of waste disposal and volumes are recorded properly. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, Country Representative, IUCN Pakistan, resented the background and context that led to the creation of the Mangroves for the Future programme (MFF), and how the National Coordinating Body was put together and the mandate it served. “NCB is a coordinating body and the only platform that brings together all relevant coastal stakeholders to discuss issues pertaining to coastal sustainability.”Jewani Mangroves forest as Marine Protected Areas, He informed that declaration of Astola as Pakistan’s first marine protected area became possible through the support of the Ministry of Climate Change as well as the provincial government of Balochistan. The technical support provided by IUCN.” He also appreciated generous support of Engro Foundation for organizing the National Coordinating Body meeting.

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