Media suppression has always been prevalent in Pakistan. Journalists have been booked under false charges and have also had their lives threatened.

Twitter poll reveals 80% people feel unsafe while tweeting about govt.

According to a survey by the Economy of Pakistan, 80% of people feel unsafe while tweeting about government authorities. Economy of Pakistan, which is one of the country’s leading Twitter platforms dedicated to providing updates on the economy, recently conducted a poll on Twitter asking whether or not the public feels safe while tweeting about Pakistan’s government, political parties, and other authorities. Over 2000 people took part in the poll, out of which 80% said they feel unsafe. Pertinent to mention, the Twitter poll comes amid the backdrop of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill’s arrest. The PTI leader’s arrest has caused a storm in Pakistan, especially since he has claimed that he was tortured while in police custody. “If we do not let people channel their bitterness, this will create something disastrous, for others and also for the government themselves,” Economy of Pakistan tweeted while sharing the poll results.

Source: This news is originally published by globalvillagespace

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