Aror University is the custodian of true shades of Art, Architecture, Design & Heritage of Region and beyond. Prof. Dr. Samreen Hussain, Vice Chancellor

Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design & Heritage inaugurated

Inaguration of Aror University of Art, Architecture, Design and heritage Sindh held by Syed Khursheed Shah, Federal Minister of Water Resources and Prof Dr Samreen Hussain Vice Chancellor, that created a sparkling new era of creative learning in every walk of life. It is great revival of history which may truly reminds everyone of past glory of the great Indus Valley civilization. The speakers at the occasion expressed that tha Aror University is the custodian of true shades of Art, Architecture, Design & Heritage of Region and beyond. It is Making the unplumbed Art, Architecture, Design & Heritage accessible, inclusive and meaningful through multiple approaches of technological improvisations, creative & critical thinking integrated with written, oral & visual expressions appreciating richness of cultural diversity & values.

This is a ground reality in Pakistan that a little emphasis has been laid on the education of art, design, and culture, wherein a lesser emphasis is put in the province of Sindh. After the independence in 1947, all the established art and industrial schools in Sindh had been closed due to various issues, and no serious efforts for re-structuring of those schools had been made. Therefore, a land comprising on heart place of Indus Valley, which is rich with tradition of art, craft and culture is abandoned from the education of fine Art, applied Art and liberal Art. Keeping in view the overall background of art education in country, it is pertinent to mention that Department of Fine Art is containing in almost all the universities of Pakistan, but with an inadequate and the conductive atmosphere. The art departments are treated as like other department of theoretical base therefore a proper attention is lacked towards the practical field of Art and Design. The Aror University of Arts, Architecture, Design and Heritage Sindh is a premier institute for the students of entire Sindh province and other provinces of Pakistan as well. The Aror University Sindh will offer undergraduate (4 Years) degree programs in Architecture, Fine Arts and Textile Design.

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