The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) starts verifying thumb impressions of candidates and has taken several conducive, concrete and rational steps in order to ensure transparent, foolproof and merit based recruitment process. Few steps include provision of Jammers and their installation in exam centers, in order to curb the tendency of use of mobiles, electronic gadgets during the conduct of the examination.

PPSC starts verifying thumb impressions of candidates

PPSC starts verifying thumb In order to ascertain the veracity of the candidates and to identify the impersonators, Punjab Public Service Commission has started verification of the thumb impressions of the candidates from NADRA. PPSC has also improved its vigilance measures in order to identify, apprehend the defaulter and the prosecution on those candidates is being done by Punjab Police. In order to curb the wrong practices, FIR’s against impersonators and their facilitators are being lodged. Recently a case of cheating / impersonation has been identified by the PPSC and legal action as per the law is being taken against the defaulters.

The Punjab police carrying out investigations to take this case to the logical end. PPSC has revised its mechanism of written examinations / interviews to bring in more transparency and merit based recruitments. PPSC starts verifying thumb and has also started strict vigilance of culprits within and outside to this end. It is once again reiterated that PPSC has zero tolerance policy for any intruder who is found involved in damaging the prestige, transparency and meritocracy of the Commission. Since July 2021 till now, a total number of 16 FIRs has been lodged against candidates involved in cheating, impersonation and use of mobiles / electronic gadgets during the conduct of examinations. The challans of 13 FIRs have been submitted by the Punjab Police and 3 recent FIRs are under investigations by the concerned Police Station.

Source: This news is originally published by brecorder

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