China Space Station Engineer explains carrier rocket for Shenzhou-14 mission The launch vehicle being used to get this spacecraft into orbit is known as a “Long March-2F Carrier Rocket.” CGTN’s Zheng Yibing spoke to an engineer about its potential.

China Space Station Engineer explains carrier rocket for Shenzhou-14 mission

\ZHENG YIBING CGTN reporter “Can you tell us about the rocket used for the Shenzhou-14 mission launch?” LIU HAIBO Deputy Chief Engineer, Long March-2F Carrier Rocket Launch Support System “Technically speaking, this rocket is the same as the one used for Shenzhou-12 and 13 missions. The difference is it’s been on the launch pad since last August, meaning it’s been on stand-by for about ten months. This is the first time that a rocket is kept ready for emergency in-orbit missions. We’ve also been carrying out various checks during this time.”

ZHENG YIBING CGTN reporter “What’s left to be done before the scheduled launch?” LIU HAIBO Deputy Chief Engineer Long March-2F Carrier Rocket Launch Support System “We will refuel the carrier rocket and check to make sure it’s in a good condition. The space station combination would also see the simultaneous stay of six taikonauts in orbit, as the Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15 crew members are expected to conduct their rotation in orbit for about a week, which would be another breakthrough in China’s manned spaceflight history. enior Colonel Chen Dong, 44, is a veteran taikonaut who visited space in China’s Shenzhou-11 manned space mission in 2016 and set the previous record for the longest stay in space by a Chinese astronaut at 33 days Now, all systems are working well, and all devices, both onboard the rocket and on the ground are in good shape.”

ZHENG YIBING CGTN reporter “What can you tell us about the backup rocket?” LIU HAIBO Deputy Chief Engineer Long March-2F Carrier Rocket Launch Support System “When this rocket is launched, another rocket, called Long March 2F Y-15, goes on standby. It’s undergone all tests and is now in the launch area, ready for emergency rescue mission.”

Source: This news is originally published by cgtn

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