
A detailed meeting was held in syndicate room with FAO-UN delegation regarding Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV) control & adopting preventive measures to save livestock sector (Cattle & Buffalo).

The Technical Mission from Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO-UN) led by Dr Phoebe Readford along with Dr Ross De Clifford and Dr Muhammad Afzal visited the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore called on Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Nasim Ahmad here on Wednesday at City Campus.
Meanwhile a detailed meeting was held in syndicate room with FAO-UN delegation regarding Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV) control & adopting preventive measures to save livestock sector (Cattle & Buffalo). Prof Dr Nasim Ahmad and chaired the meeting while Dean Faculty of Biosciences Prof Dr Habib-ur-Rehman, Director Institute of Microbiology Prof Dr Tahir Yaqub, Dr Kamran Ashraf and other senior faculty members of UVAS were present.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Dr Nasim Ahmad gave detailed presentation regarding UVAS initiatives to combat skin disease Virus (LSDV) in Pakistan. In which he spoke about the Institute of Microbiology submitted projects and ongoing research MPhil and PhD programs, different UVAS publications on LSD, LSDV diagnostic facilities and test conducted in University Diagnostic Laboratory (UDL). He also spoke about the role of LSDV outbreak investigation through questionnaire & personal interview conducted by UVAS Department of Epidemiology and Public Health to curb lumpy skin disease. Earlier, he also spoke about the history of UVAS, various degree programs, research, training and services of UVAS.
During the meeting, FAO-UN delegation sought suggestions and technical inputs from UVAS senior faculty member to control LSDV. All the participants of meeting put forward various suggestions to address this issue to save livestock sector. The participants urged on the importance of biosecurity and they suggested that it is necessary to conduct, webinar, workshops and farmers training programs to create awareness among them that how to deal with this disease, preventive measures to control its transmission and suggested register reliable vaccine for the treatment of animal. The participants also suggested to starting various clinical trials on vaccine, study on vector control and prevention of cattle transportation especially in the affected areas to unvaccinated animals (cattle & buffalo). At the end of meeting Dr Phoebe Readford lauded UVAS efforts for the prevention of deadly LSDV disease to save livestock sector in Pakistan.
Later, FAO-UN delegation visited various departments of UVAS including Veterinary Academy, Bio-Safety level-3 Laboratory, Pet Centre, Quality Operation Laboratory, University Diagnostics Laboratory and Outdoor Hospital etc.

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