It doesn’t matter if you are 27 or 72, adopting certain eating habits can help you lose weight and, in the process, trim abdominal fat at any age. 8 Eating Habits for Belly Fat Loss at Any Age The critical word in that statement is “habits.” When you do something habitually, you make that behavior part of your normal routine.

The best way to reliably lose weight is to adopt some important daily eating habits, which can be even easier than learning guitar because eating is something you have to do several times a day. The motivation to eat is automatic – you’re hungry! – now all it takes is the knowledge (and discipline) to eat right for weight loss. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don’t miss Eating Habits to Lose Abdominal Fat As You Age, Say Dietitians.

A well-balanced breakfast eaten every morning forms the foundation of your eating habits for the rest of the day, says registered dietitian nutritionist Kim Rose, RDN, CDE, a certified diabetes care and education specialist. Even though recent studies have called into question the long-held belief that breakfast eaters tend to be leaner than breakfast-skippers, many dietitians still believe a breakfast of protein, healthy fat, and fiber is a gold-standard habit to adopt for good health and belly fat loss. Why?

“If you eat a substantial breakfast, you’ll modify your calorie intake the rest of the day,” says Rose. Some studies demonstrate that people who eat sizeable breakfasts consume fewer calories at dinnertime, feel less hungry, and improve their insulin sensitivity. Since more carbs tend to be eaten at breakfast than any other time of day, it may help you to review the 22 Best Carbs to Shrink Belly Fat.

Make a habit of journaling what you eat to lose belly fat as you age. It’s a classic weight-loss tool endorsed by thousands of dietitians and backed by science. Daily “dietary self-monitoring,” that is, recording all foods and beverages consumed as well as portion size and preparation method “is consistently related to successful short- and long-term weight loss,” write the authors of a 2019 study in the journal Obesity.

The best way to cut down on calories and start losing belly fat is by eliminating the empty calories from sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB). You don’t need a study to convince you, but here’s one: a Physiology & Behavior study found that each sugary beverage consumed contributed an average of 147 additional calories to the participants’ daily total energy intake.

The simple solution to cutting SSB calories is drinking water instead. And the best move to make is sipping from a tumbler of water all day long, whenever you’re thirsty. “Wherever you are, your water bottle should be,” says medical board nutritionist Ilana Muhlstein, RDN, author of You Can Drop It! How I Dropped 100 Pounds Enjoying Carbs, Cocktails & Chocolate—and You Can Too! She recommends making a habit of downing two glasses of water as soon as you wake and another two before each meal.

If you’re hungry for a snack at work, while driving in your car, at your kid’s Little League game, or while watching TV, you are going to head to the vending machines, stop at the Quick Mart, buy a chili dog, or reach for a bag of chips unless you prepare ahead. To keep from grabbing for the high-calorie foods within your reach, stash some walnuts in a small plastic baggie in strategic locations.

“Walnuts are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant form of healthy omega-3 polyunsaturated fats,” says registered dietitian Molly Hembree, MS, RD, a certified expert in plant-based nutrition and member of our medical expert board. Snack on them alone or mix them into yogurt or hot oatmeal, she suggests, to reduce belly fat as you age.

Eating certain types of food can slow digestion, which keeps you feeling full and satisfied so hunger is delayed. And you end up consuming fewer calories as a result. The best way to slow things down in the digestion department is to make a habit of eating foods rich in a certain type of plant fiber called soluble fiber. Soluble fiber, as the name suggests, dissolves in water. It forms a thick, sticky gel that slows digestion.

Source: This news is originally published by eatthis

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