
This could be about to change with the discovery by scientists from the University of Cambridge of a shock therapy that could prove game changing for the dementia community.

For a time, when the virus was at its peak, COVID-19 was the UK’s biggest killer. It was the first time since 2015 dementia had been pushed into second place on the UK’s fatality register. Now, with the effect of vaccines and development of new treatments for the virus, dementia has now returned to the top spot. Sadly, unlike the virus that briefly usurped it, there are no effective treatments for dementia.

This could be about to change with the discovery by scientists from the University of Cambridge of a shock therapy that could prove game changing for the dementia community.

Scientists say they have found a way to repair the misfolded proteins associated with dementia.

Dementia is caused by the build of proteins in the brain known as amyloid beta.

When these proteins become misfolded, they build up as a plaque in the brain leading to brain cell death and neurological decline.

Although the treatment holds promise the researchers have said the shock therapy project is in its very early stages.

As a result, patients shouldn’t expect to see the treatment rolled out on the NHS in the near future.

Nevertheless, the results mark a positive step forward in the campaign to find a cure for the condition that has remained a stubborn opponent of thousands of researchers and patients.

Speaking about the research Dr Edward Avezov said: “Optimistically, in the future we could find a drug to awaken this mechanism we have discovered and prevent diseases like dementia.”

In the same way there are no effective treatments for dementia, there are also no effective drugs to prevent it either.

Associate Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Society Dr Richard Oakley said, despite its early stages, the study was a “game-changer for dementia research” and a “step towards effective and safe treatments”.

Edinburgh University’s Professor Tara Spires-Jones added: “This study adds to previous work which similarly showed stressing cells with cold instead of heat can protect them from misfolded proteins.

“But a drug which targets these mechanisms is likely to be many years away.”

Professor Spires-Jones’ comments echo those who scientists such as Dr Cara Croft of Race Against Dementia who say while there are no new treatments expected this year, they are confident new treatments will be available in 10 years.

Although this is promising news for patients of the future for the patients of the present it will come too late.

The world’s approach to dementia research has changed greatly since the disease was discovered over a century ago.

For a time it was perceived as an inevitable part of ageing, that as the body declined so too did the mind.

However, with advances in science it has since been discovered dementia is a disease rather than an inevitability of age.

In light of this shift in knowledge resources have been pumped into dementia research.

Statistics say one in three people born today will develop in their lifetime.

With continued perseverance there is hope the dementia patients of the future will not have to suffer in the same way as those of the present.

This news was originally published by Express.

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