A study titled ‘Pakistan: Climate-smart technologies for horticulture and livestock’ was launched here on Wednesday.

A study titled ‘Pakistan: Climate-smart technologies for horticulture and livestock’ was launched here on Wednesday.

Developed by Centre for Water Informatics & Technology LUMS for Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress (GRASP), a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC).

The report assesses the state of climate-smart technology for horticulture and livestock in Balochistan and Sindh.

Attended by officials from the Sindh livestock department, and key stakeholders from the Agriculture and Horticulture Sector, the launch brought together the public and private sector representatives.

Livestock, Sindh Tamizuddin Khero were also in attendance and appreciated the efforts of the project in shedding light and providing solutions to the climate change effects on Pakistan’s agriculture sector.

Robert Skidmore, Chief, Sector and Enterprise Development at ITC said “This study is a beginning not an end.

The findings will guide our efforts under GRASP to increase incomes and value added in agribusiness while reducing its environmental footprint. ”Pakistan is among the top 10 countries most affected by climate catastrophes such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and earthquakes.

This is due mainly to the country’s geography, reliance on glaciers as a natural regulator of regional water supplies, and heavy dependence on agriculture for livelihoods and food security.

The agricultural sector plays a central role in the Pakistani economy, and farmers need climate-smart technologies to increase agricultural productivity and incomes, adapt and build resilience to climate change, and reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions.

A wide range of climate smart technologies exist in Pakistan which include both commercially available technologies and those developed locally. Report finds however, that their uptake is constrained and so limiting climate resilience.

Source: Pak Observer

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