Elden Ring

Our top recommendation of the week is Elden Ring. This game is exceptional. Its fantasy open world runneth over with little guys, big swords, and clever tie-ins. But a word of warning: Video game is hard.

Our top recommendation of the week is Elden Ring. This game is exceptional. Its fantasy open world runneth over with little guys, big swords, and clever tie-ins. But a word of warning: Video game is hard.

Despite creating a more approachable game than its previous series, FromSoftware has made little effort to include accessibility options. And players who skipped Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro will need to devote hours to learning the game’s unspoken rules. We know from experience. Some of us have been fighting the same early baddies for hours, making certain jokes a little too relatable.

Fortunately, our most experienced Souls fans have produced many helpful guides. If you’re playing the most welcoming class, the magic-wielding Astrologer, might we recommend rushing to grab a Meteorite Staff and then smiting the ghouls that once impeded your path to becoming the Elden Lord?

When you’re comfortably situated with Elden Ring, there’s plenty to learn about its creator and the idiosyncratic games that led to 2022’s first humongous hit. For The New Yorker, Simon Parkin interviewed director Hidetaka Miyazaki. At Eurogamer, the ever-effervescent Christian Donlan compared Elden Ring to Fortnite, and you know what? The comparison makes a surprising amount of sense!

So yes, we recommend giving Elden Ring a shot, even if you’re intimidated. Worst-case scenario: You can take a joy ride on a magical horse with the power to double jump. Or you could just watch it on YouTube. That works, too!

Source: News Nation USA

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