A workshop was organized by Department of Zoology in collaboration with National Academy of Farming Scientists Pakistan entitled “Introduction to Research, Innovation and Business Ideas of Women Scientists”.

A workshop was organized by Department of Zoology in collaboration with National Academy of Farming Scientists Pakistan entitled “Introduction to Research, Innovation and Business Ideas of Women Scientists”.

Addressing the gathering, Aftab Ahmed said that the purpose of conducting National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine workshop was to alleviate the plight of women scientists who are working to ensure success in women business endeavors.

The workshop aims to highlight the gender and ethnic diversity of business people in the science, technology, engineering and medical industries.

In the workshop the factors to overcome these barriers that are helpful to women in entrepreneurship were discussed.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Uzma Quraishi said that our women are in no way inferior to men in the society but were extraordinary in 2020. At the beginning of the global crisis, women scientists appeared to be weaker than men.

Recent research has shown a dramatic decline in the number of publications by female scientists, as Covid has to bear a heavy burden of responsibility in caring for children and caring for the home during the epidemic.

Research shows that barriers to epidemics threaten the role of women in science, and may even outpace some of the efforts and achievements made by women so far. Based on the scene, despite the unfavorable conditions in which women scientists are to be commended, this workshop will be helpful in raising the morale of such women.

The workshop was attended by teachers and students.

The focal person of the workshop was Dr. Asiya Bibi.

Source: Pakistan Observer

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