China, Pakistan step up agricultural cooperation

China and Pakistan would share the experience and methods in water-saving agriculture, deepen the pragmatic cooperation and make more…

A 14-day online training course on water-saving agriculture for Pakistan kicked off recently.

The training course has been sponsored by Chinese Ministry of Commerce and organised by the international exchange centre of Yangling Demonstration Zone, Shaanxi province, China.

The 48 trainees are from Pakistani universities and institutions. At the training course, they will communicate and discuss the water-saving irrigation techniques and the development of trend of water-saving agriculture with Chinese experts from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, China.

Yangling has made active exploration in water-saving irrigation, integration of water and fertiliser and efficient use of water resource in recent years, and achieved remarkable results while accumulating a lot of experience, said Yangling Demonstration Zone senior official He Ling.

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He hoped that China and Pakistan would share the experience and methods in water-saving agriculture, deepen the pragmatic cooperation and make more contributions to the development of China and Pakistan’s modern agriculture. “This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan,” said Shaanxi province Commerce Department Vice Director Sun Jinghu while attending the opening ceremony of the training.

“We hope this training will enhance the two nations’ exchanges and understanding and boost the extensive cooperation of scientific research institutions in modern agriculture.”