COMSTECH Organizes Webinar on Metabolomics Gateway for Milestone Discoveries

COMSTECH organized a webinar on “Metabolomics Gateway for Milestone Discoveries in the Prehistoric and Post Genomic Era” which was delivered

COMSTECH organized a webinar on “Metabolomics Gateway for Milestone Discoveries in the Prehistoric and Post Genomic Era” which was delivered online by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Farag of Cairo University, Egypt.

Prof. Farag said that the metabolomics is the analysis of the cellular processes based on the chemical processes. He said metabolomics is useful in food production in establishing the chemical make-up of food and quality control between different rounds of production.

Prof. Farag said it can be used in medical research to help understand the progression of diseses and to assess the impact of a person’s diet and metabolism. He also talked about functional food as well.

Prof. Farag described the history of metabolomics. He said that what we know in science is like the ice-berg in the ocean and not the whole thing. He said that the ability to sequence the whole plant and human genomes has established that our knowledge with respect to gene function is rather limited.

The lecture provided an overview of metabolomics and discussed its complementary role within system biology.

The webinar was attended by students, researchers, scientists, and academicians from the OIC member states.